Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Which of These 3 Ways Are You Using Music to Increase Brain Speed?

Music lovers are in for a treat! Music can keep your brain fit and sharp. Did you know that? If you keep your brain in good shape, you can delay dementia as you age. You will be surprised to see how it works.

Research continues to show that you can change your brain. This is brain plasticity. Under certain conditions, you can make it easier to change your brain. You can train your brain to process information better and faster. You can even increase brain speed.

The best activities for your brain will get more and more challenging. You need to challenge your brain to make changes. The activity you choose should be mentally rewarding. You will get more out of a game if you enjoy it. If the exercise is new or surprising, it will make a huge impact. The game also must demand your focus and attention.

Here are three ways you can use music to help increase brain speed:

1. Learn the words to music.
Pick a song you like but do not know the words to. Try to hear each word and write them down. Listen to the song as many times as you need to. Then learn to sing along with the song. After you learn the song, move on to another song.

You need to focus when you try to hear each word in a song. You need to pay close attention. When you focus on something, a chemical releases in the brain. This chemical enables plasticity and enlivens memory.

Repeating this exercise may help you gain the habit of careful listening. The more carefully you listen, the better quality of information you can take in. With better quality information, you are better able to understand it. You can then act on the information. In addition, you can remember it better.

This will result in faster processing of information you hear. You will be able to react to it faster. Thus, it will increase brain speed.

2. Learn to distinguish different instruments in music.
Have you ever tried to dissect music into the instruments you hear? This will sharpen your brain's neural pathways. Classical music may be the most challenging for some. Try to determine when each instrument comes in and out.

This exercise helps you make fine distinctions in sound pitch and tone. With this skill, you can increase brain speed when understanding speech. It will also help you recognize the voices of your family and friends.

3. Learn to play a musical instrument.
Playing an instrument is a fantastic workout for your brain. If you already play an instrument, learning new and complex music will keep you nimble. Learning to play a new instrument will help your brain become more nimble.

Just imagine how this could increase brain speed when processing information. Many interrelated facets of brain function are used. You will hone your listening skills by determining if the music sounds as it should.

Think about translating written notes to music. What you are doing is decoding the musical notes you see into movement and sound. This is a great way to increase brain speed and accuracy. This gives your brain the practice it needs. The same way a typist would need to practice to become more accurate and faster, so does your brain.

You will also gain control of refined movements. This can be a huge benefit to the aging person.

Studies have shown that brain exercises can keep your brain sharp and nimble. You can do this well into your twilight years. You may be able to delay or reverse some conditions. These conditions include age related cognitive decay. You can also train your brain to increase brain speed at any age!


By clicking through on this link, you will learn how to increase brain speed like thousands of others. Many report improvements in just a few weeks.

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