Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Does Cognitive Dementia Happen?

Cognitive dementia. It can happen to anyone. If you live long enough. You lose your sharpness as you get older. If you don't do anything to stop it from happening, it will get worse. It will get to the point where you can not take care of yourself. How will this affect me? Why does this happen? Find out the answers to these questions and how you might be able to stop cognitive dementia from happening.

Think of your brain the same way you think of a muscle in your body. You know if your muscles aren't exercised, they will atrophy. They will become useless. This doesn't occur overnight. It's little by little.

Take your stomach muscles for example. How often do you use these muscles throughout the day? Most of us don't use them very much. So you don't grasp what shape they are in. Until you try to do some sit-ups. Then you find out real quick what shape they are in, don't you? That's when you realize there is a problem.

The longer time goes on, the more useless the muscles get. If you don't take steps to reverse the condition.

Working the muscles can usually reverse the condition. Exercise them. Apply weights and move the muscles. Challenge them. Revitalize them.

If you don't exercise your muscles, you will shrivel up. Have you seen older people like that?

The same principles apply to your brain.

Cognitive dementia is similar to when your muscles atrophy. Little by little your brain becomes useless. In the areas that aren't used regularly.

Like the unused stomach muscles, when you try to use that part of the brain, forget it. No go. It'll take some effort.

If you have cognitive dementia, you may withdraw from things you used to do. Because you cannot do them as easily as when you were younger. It's a downward spiral.

It may feel more like work to socialize. Because it's difficult to get the right words out the way you wanted to. You may trip up your words in the middle of a sentence. Or, say things you don't mean.

You don't learn things as fast as you used to. This can be very discouraging. It can stop you from even trying.

Cognitive dementia starts as early as 35. Very gradually the decline takes hold. Usually a cognitive dementia diagnosis would occur in the 60's or 70's.

Decades of decline.

You lose quality and quantity of information from your eyes and ears as you grow older. This is a huge part of the reason for cognitive dementia.

Improving the way you take in information improves your ability to remember it. The faster you process information in your head, the faster you can react. You feel sharp, on top of your game.

What if you could reset your brain? You would have a fighting chance. Find a brain trainer that will improve the quantity and quality of information you take in. One that will benefit you for years to come. This may delay Alzheimer's disease. It may also stop cognitive dementia dead in its tracks! How can you lose?

Will you or someone you love be one of the 35 million living with cognitive dementia? Do something NOW to keep your memories -- before it's too late!

By clicking through on this link you will learn the clinically proven results of Posit Brain Science brain fitness programs. Most over 40 improve.

Who else wants to give their brain a 10-year rejuvenation?

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